
Short URLs for threeforms.org and ESV Bible passages

Confessions and Creeds

URCNA’s threeforms.org website includes the full text of the Ecumenical Creeds and the Reformed Confessions, also known as the Three Forms of Unity.

3forms.org (with the numeral ‘3’) allows you to link to specific parts of threeforms.org using short URLs, which can be useful when you need to include a link in printed material like a church bulletin or handout. For example, instead of threeforms.org/heidelberg-catechism/#question-18 you can print 3forms.org/h18. More examples below.

ESV Bible Passages

You can provide short links to ESV Bible passages as well, currently using Bible Gateway. For example, instead of biblegateway.com/passage/?search=jn3:16&version=ESV you can print 3forms.org/esv/jn3:16. (Bible Gateway is flexible in how its URLs handle formatting for Bible passages; 3forms.org supports any format that Bible Gateway supports.)

Note: 3forms.org is not affiliated with threeforms.org or Bible Gateway

To link to... Use one of these short URLs...
Heidelberg Catechism Question 1 3forms.org/h1 or
Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 1 3forms.org/hld1 or
Belgic Confession Article 1 3forms.org/b1 or
Canons of Dort Main Point 1 3forms.org/d1 or
Canons of Dort Main Point 1 Rejection of Errors 3forms.org/d1e or
Canons of Dort Rejection of False Accusations 3forms.org/dfa or
Canons of Dort individual articles or errors Not currently available.*
The Apostles’ Creed 3forms.org/ap or
The Nicene Creed 3forms.org/nic or
The Athanasian Creed 3forms.org/ath or
ESV Bible passages 3forms.org/esv/Exodus11-13

* threeforms.org HTML doesn’t currently include id attributes for each of these elements, so it’s difficult to link directly to them. We are exploring options for using text fragments to link to them.